
Meet Tekmir’s Mass Action Platform, MAP. Scalable, data-driven,
end-to-end case management software and services for law firms.

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Simplify case management. Achieve scale without sacrificing quality.

Comprehensive case, client, and jurisdictional information all in one unified platform.

Harness data-driven insights to propel your
cases to success.

Expand your practice while maintaining
excellent representation.

A comprehensive, tech-enabled service that takes case management off law firms’ plates entirely.

What is Tekmir’s MAP?

Tekmir MAP is a case management platform. We empower law firms to help their clients navigate their cases and collect, review, and submit necessary evidence, including medical records and evidence of exposure. Using that data and much more, our platform evaluates each claim across a variety of metrics. We use those metrics to help you better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your cases, where and when to file, and how to maximize recoveries.

Our platform works best with firms that want to scale, and we have carefully designed our Client Experience Hub to help firms maintain high quality representation even at larger numbers. We are happy to chat with any plaintiff’s firm that represents individuals.

Give us a shout! We will discuss your needs, our services, and whether a platform like ours makes sense for your practice.

We are a partner, not a tool, and will design a solution to fit your needs. One size does not fit all. Contact us to discuss how we might work together.

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